
About MVC

One of the central issues of programming is finding structures. To structure a program, one has to identify purposeful decompositions of the code into intelligible, maintainable and reuseable parts.

MVC gives you a framework to structure an user interface as needed and purposeful. Being a framework, MVC does not enforce one single approach; rather, it provides facilities that you can use to give your application as much structure as needed.

The acronym MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. MVC is a way to structure an application - in modern terminology, MVC is a design pattern.

One important experience with the MVC pattern is that it facilitates the implementation of reuseable controllers and reuseable views. Reuseability of views and controllers has an enormous benefit: It allows a developer to concentrate himself on the implementation of the application model.

The essential idea of the MVC pattern is to split an application into three functional elements with distinct responsibilities and well-defined inter-element communication.

These functional elements are

The relationship between an model and its associated views is special: Views act as observers of their respective models. The Smalltalk dependency mechanism is used to implement this relationship. An observer registers itself as a dependent object of the instance that it observes.

This diagram shows the flow of messages in Squeak MVC. Other implementations of MVC may implement slightly different conventions.

The communication paths between these functional units are these:

A controller cooperates with exactly one view and one model. It has permanent references to its view and to its model. Likewise, a view cooperates with exactly one controller and one model. (Views that observe several models are possible, but rare.) A view has permanent references to its controller and to its model(s). The position of the model in the MVC triad is different:


The controller delegates all requested activities to either its view or its model.

The controller interprets all user input. When you write different controllers for one view type, you can create views of that type that exhibit different behavior to user input. This possibility is not always exploited as it could be.


Text editors are implemented as specialized controllers. The most frequently used text editor is the ParagraphEditor, its subclass StringHolderController is a dedicated controller for a StringHolderView.

ParagraphEditor is a very flexible general text editor and a very suitable superclass for specialized text editors. Such specialized editors may add features like code formatting or syntax coloring. Regrettably, all these special features were added to ParagraphEditor where they are quite annoying when you do not need them.


We distinguish pluggable views that work fine with unstructured models, and dedicated views that work best with model components. This tutorial will give examples for both types of views.

The window of an application is built as a view with subviews. The design of the visualization framework leads to a tree structure. As every view has its controller, the view component tree is paralleled by a similar tree of controllers.


The model is a different thing. For many applications, all subviews share one common model. For a large application, such a common model is often burdened with a lot of view support functionality. This gives raise to the question: Is it possible to give an application model a structure that is similar to the tree structure of the view?

The concise answer is that it is possible, but not always necessary to structure an application model. When we choose to structure a model, we use model components to create a tree-like structure.

The Menu of a View

All three elements of the MVC triad cooperate to bring up a context menu. The controller detects the mouse click that it has to interpret as a menu request. The request is translated into what is called the yellow button activity. That activity sends the message getMenu: to the view. Most views forward the menu request to the model. The model is expected to create a menu that reflects the current model state. The controller displays the menu and processes the selected option. Most controllers send a message to the model that gives the model a chance to process the selection. A controller has the final responsibility to process all menu options that are not processed by the model.

Some views prepare an empty CustomMenu. The view and all model components can add options to such a menu.
